Hello foodies and fellow bloggers,
Since 1990 (yeah, that's when I came into this world), I have never, trust me... NEVER had this liking for food or anything closely related to it. At times I wonder how I got those 50 kilograms of flesh and bones. Thanks to my mom, who stuffed in whatever she could into my small little mouth that would hardly open at the sight of food. I grew up like a tomboy who hardly knew where the kitchen was.
Cooking like I never expected it to be, was full of fun, it was a great stress buster too. And it has inspired me so much that it has brought me till here. So, wish me the best guys! And keep checking this space for mmmoooorrrrrrre!!
P.S: I ain't that an experienced cook or a professional photographer, so please don't mind my not-so-impressive pictures :P